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I am using the last election as an example. I’m not taking sides; I am using it because it’s a great example of how projection and lies are ruining lives. Although I used the election as an example, this applies to every aspect of life.

People have allowed lies to control how they think, their hate and anger are so great they can not see clearly. I have been told by clients they will be sent to camps, and their children will lose their freedom. I am telling you none of that will happen. Learn to live your life and make it the best you can, that is up to you. I remember in 2016, I had Jewish friends who were convinced by evil forces they were going to be rounded up and placed into camps… IT NEVER HAPPENED!

Through COVID, they learned that people were too willing to give up their lives to the Government to stay safe. They are doing it again. Command and control are used to control thoughts and people. Be strong, be independent, and eliminate hate and anger. Never let anyone or anybody take control. Stay strong.

Bob Buchanan

Author Bob Buchanan

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