Several years ago, I was at a meeting. Several clients were in the room, saying their hellos and thank you.
However, one Maryann approached me during the break and thanked me for saving her life. I felt like I was hit in my heart with a heavy warm feeling. I didn’t ask her how I did that, I was too surprised by her comment. I later told my sister Donna who sent Maryann to me what she said and how I didn’t understand how that was possible. Donna said to me you don’t get it. You don’t get what you do for others, I hear it all the time. They come to you in a bad place and by the time the session is over they are in a better place. She continued, she told me, I give them hope and the ability to find a better place in their lives…
This festered in my head for a long time. Then another friend Liz, sent her friend Brenda who lost her son in a fire to me. Brenda thought she threw a cigarette in the trash which started the fire. I told her I saw flames coming from an outlet like a blow torch which started the fire. When I asked what the investigator found she told me it was an electrical outlet. I asked her why she thought otherwise, and she told me a firefighter told her the cigarette was how it started. My vision was backed up by science. This helped Brenda enormously knowing she was not responsible for her son’s death. Her story in my 1st book They Speak Through Me, Messages from Beyond.
Just the other day, I was meeting with a client/friend, Barbara. I told her I didn’t think I do much for people. She told me I saved her life as well, she said she was in a bad place, and the souls showed her a way to get back to living.
I don’t understand this or how it works, I am the vehicle chosen by God and the souls to bring messages to those who need them, I will continue doing this until God tells me it’s time to stop, which will only happen when I make this about myself & money, basically abuse these gifts for my benefit.