Fran Capo who is the world’s fastest talking woman, comedian, author and so much more, gave me a call. She tells me we met maybe five years ago at a Yorktown Chamber of Commerce meeting. I was on the board at the time and engaged in conversation with many people so I couldn’t place her.I gave her my card and never thought about it again.
When Fran called me, she told me we spoke but neither of us remember what the conversation was about. Once I told her I was a caulbearer who has written a book “The Speak Through me” she was interested in having me on her Podcast to talk about my book and what I do as a caulbearer.
Before she had me on, she wanted to make sure I was real as there are just too many people who claim to do what I do sadly just are not real. During the phone interview Frans mom & dad came through. At one point her dad was telling me he was proud of Williams accomplishment. Fran couldn’t place a William and told me the name makes no sense. Now Names not being my thing I let it go.
She liked her messages and we set up a one on one. Upon arriving at her house, she advised me when she told her husband Steve about the call, he reminded her William is her son. The reason she didn’t get it is because they call William by his middle name Spencer. Spencer unbeknownst to his mom, went to college and got his degree as a surprise to her.
You may feel this doesn’t make sense but it really isn’t uncommon for me to give my client something & it makes sense later.
Fran is an author of many books, one is called, Hopeville, a voice she believed to be a Divine was telling her this story she wrote it in one day. She gave me the book which is about a village that had lost all hope until and angel appeared and gave everyone a candle. The light of the candle was hope & they were told the more hope that had the brighter it would burn.
At this point in my life I was struggling with having hope. People believe are always in a good place, this just isn’t so. No matter how hard I tried to get out of this funk I couldn’t. The message in this book was powerful for me and began my journey back to where I need to be. Frans book was exactly what I needed. I believe the messages Frans received are what she needed as well.
Fran & I did a 15 min podcast which you can hear at the link below, I also put the link to her book below as well. I can’t thank Fran enough for the opportunity to be on her podcast and giving me her book.