I have been gifted by God to be a caulbearer. However, I have been confused by this vocation for my whole life. As I travel through this road of my life, I don’t expect anything in return and I really don’t think too much about it because this is just who I am and I don’t really have the time to spend thinking on it.. I have always felt that I had a special gift and that I was different, but I couldn’t figure it all out. A classmate of mine in High School told me that she always knew that I was different so maybe she was onto something back then. One thing for sure is that I am extremely busy doing what I do. I feel that there is nothing special here—- hell there are a 1000 mediums around, I’m simply just one of them.
I am a person that always liked helping people out and that was the reason that I became a cop years ago. I felt that it was a calling. That seemed to be a part of my life where I felt I did what I was truly destined to do.
One evening I was at an event; I saw several people there who had been my clients. During a break one of them came over to me and said, “Thank you. You saved my life.” That simple unexpected statement was so powerful and emotional that I felt like I had been hit in the chest with a cannon ball. I was truly stunned. I couldn’t understand how I could have possibly saved her life. My sister had originally sent this woman to me and I told her what this woman had said. My sister said, “You don’t get it. You don’t understand how you touch people’s lives.” My sister is right (but don’t anyone tell her I said that)!! However I still don’t get it; after all, I’m only one of a 1000.