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                                Deny depression;

The Christmas holiday, a time for hope, joy and peace carries many memories of times gone by, some sad memories of brighter days spent with loved ones who have passed. Don’t spend valuable time focusing on heartache, living into the sadness, instead create new happy memories.

We have choices, living into depression you will eventually hate the season by feeding the sadness & depression. The other choice, live for today focusing, on what we have, the energy of Christmas in, open your hearts to the peace and joy that is all around you. Holding onto the past has no purpose or place in your life.

My point is, we have choices; bring ourselves down or turn it around. The souls do not like it when we mourn them, they want us to celebrate them remember them fondly. Enjoy those still with us, laugh and have fun. For at least one day, hopefully more, set aside any sadness, worry or anger. Take a look at what you have, be thankful, embrace it as your lifestyle.

With hope and joy in your heart all is possible, don’t say; but you don’t understand I lost…. I do understand, at the age of 16 my Christmas was spent at the funeral home when dad passed. Yes, that was a difficult time to say the least, but I haven’t let that define me and destroy my Christmas’s throughout my life, I let that go long ago, enjoying others. If you hold on to it, always bringing it up, you are selfish, destroying Christmas for others, not just yourself.

If you’re not making the best of this wonderful season and making it about yourself you affect others, that’s just not right, if you want to be sad & not move on, that is on you. Instead, be a giving person, let others around you enjoy the festivities as you should.

Fill your heart with, Peace & happiness, the choice is yours, no one else’s. You never know; hopefully it will live within you all year-long, let it happen you will be glad you did.


Have a very Merry Christmas,

Bob Buchanan

Author Bob Buchanan

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