Today I was sitting in family court, in a room with several other people. Now those of you, who either have been with me or follow me, know I never do what I call the ambush. That is when you’re in a public place & get something for someone and approach them. It rarely happens with me as I’m controlled, when it does, I never say anything, I feel it’s not right.
There was a woman sitting talking to her attorney. She looked tough, take no prisoners, but I was involved with other things so I didn’t pay too much attention. All of a sudden I had a woman about 5’ built strong with me, telling me she is here for her. She had a lot of food so I thought it was her grandmother, but then I heard mom. This woman wanted me to give the woman sitting there a message; I told her no I don’t do that, besides her attorney was sitting with her. Well her attorney left and I was fighting back & forth about this. Then he attorney came back, so I told this soul I would talk to her if the attorney left again, pretty sure she wouldn’t leave. Well sure enough the attorney gets up & leaves, I shouldn’t have been surprised as this soul was very insistent on me talking to the woman.
I moved over and asked her if her grandmother had passed, she said no & asked if I was a psychic. I explained who I was. I told her who was with me, I told me this woman told me although she appears tough she is very sensitive. When I told her what I was getting, she confirmed it. I was relieved, than I went a bit further, I told her she was very worried but she shouldn’t be. I also told her to not feel alone as there are many for there for her among a few other things. She confirmed what I told her, I asked her if I could give her my card, she said yes, I told her I wasn’t looking for anything, just wanted to give her that message from who turned out to be her God mother. There was a lot of emotion coming from her God mother and was making me tear up.
She told me she has just been speaking to her God Mother on the drive over. We ended it, I felt very awkward. I don’t know if she will be in touch again, but that was a 1st for me, I pray things went as well as her God mother told me it would.