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Lake George NY … A paranormal event

Our family had planned a vacation in Lake George NY. As a kid, my family would take vacations there every year and I remember some of the sites we visited back when, so I decided to look and see what was there still if anything.

Sure enough, I saw Fort William Henry was still there. I looked into it, and I noticed they had a haunted tour. Briefly, because I’m not about to give anyone a history lesson here, the British built Fort William Henry at the southern tip of the lake. At the time the French and the American Indians were at war with the British and eventually expelled the French and took the Fort over.

As a Caulbearer, I was intrigued by the haunted tour and hoped I’d see some paranormal activity while on the tour. I could hardly wait to get there and get started on this journey. Armed with my camera and cell phone; I wasted no time. I took stills with my camera and video with the phone the minute we set foot in the Fort.

During most of the tour, I received no indication of activity anywhere, I was disheartened, to say the least … UNTIL THE SURGERY.

The last stop in the Fort’s haunted tour was the surgery. this display was in a long hallway. When you first entered there was a brick wall, about ten feet down the display was the actual display of a soldier on a table having his leg removed along with other manikins of doctors and a few other men working on him. Remember back then the surgery was brutal. There was nothing to put the patient out no anesthesia or anything else for the pain, they applied massive amounts of whiskey with several big men to hold the patient down.

I faced the brick wall and began my video, at this point, I had given up on the stills, when my phone started to go in and out of focus. I couldn’t get it to stop, so I turned it off and restarted it. The in and out of focus continued. I couldn’t understand why there was nothing between me and the plain brick wall. I continued walking along the display and it stopped midway past the surgery.

When we went upstairs, I couldn’t wait to show Andrea who was running the tour, (She & I had a session before the tour) I went to pull up the video and it wasn’t there! What the hell, I know it recorded at least three minutes down there where did it go? I checked everywhere nothing. I was disappointed on our way out as I wondered what happened, I heard a voice tell me, you shouldn’t record the surgery, it is

not something anyone should see today.

Now I know someone was stepping in front of the phone that wasn’t there at least I never saw anyone.

Note; Andrea told me her phone shut off and the battery drains when she goes down there. I also had a little girl with me when we began telling me she drowned in the lake, more on that another time.

Bob Buchanan

Author Bob Buchanan

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