I tell people I can’t get the sex of an unborn baby, now I never say never, oops I just did, but I don’t tell people I can never do anything. I was sitting with a client with whom I have had several sessions prior to this one.
We were talking about babies and I told her I don’t get the sex of a baby before it is born.
She told me I was wrong that I got the sex of her daughter’s baby before he was born. I was puzzled (not uncommon for me) but as I have said many times before, I do not remember what I give people and I didn’t remember I told her about the sex of her grandchild.
When I questioned her about it, she told me I told her during a previous session I saw a blue blanket which she took as an indication her daughter was having a boy, which she did.
From now on I can “Never” (there’s that word again) say I don’t get the sex of a baby ever again. I am forever learning and have no plans to stop.