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My gifts are always changing always evolving. I always question the divine spirits, who grant me these gift, why I can’t get more from the souls who visit me for their loved ones. The little things like you have something under the cushion of your couch, why don’t I get lots of souls. It is my nature to always question my abilities, that is everything I do, even after 30+ years as an award-winning photographer, I am always looking for more from myself.

So I questioned them, and I received my answer. If I get caught up in the little things or bring in to many people, the important message will be lost. WOW, that was impactful for me, as I understand now why this occurs. The messages I hear are messages of healing, yes just telling people someone who they miss is here will give them healing. However, as many of you know the messages that come through me, are powerful and deeper than reminding you, you danced with uncle Dick at the wedding or played cards with aunt Jane. Yes, I get some of that, however, I get, where you are & where they want you to move to.

There are and will always be those who want to prove this fake or wrong. If a medium is fake, they should be exposed because this can hurt people. If for some reason you don’t believe in this, why come to see someone like myself. Some have a healthy skepticism, others are so skeptical they will not believe you no matter what you say.

I recently sat with a woman (lets call her Joann) who told me, no matter what I said, everyone was like that …. ahh no! I saw her father, a tall thin man wearing a hat, she told me all men wore hats back then … ahh no, her father was about the same age as my dad & Uncles, I told her none of them wore hats. In trying to prove me wrong she lost the fact, I saw him as tall & thin … are all dads tall & thin??? No, mine wasn’t, than I tell her what it was like growing up … her dad was an alcoholic, again she tells me, all children were treated like that with alcoholic fathers; and again, no because my dad was & my life was 180 degrees from hers. The more she did this, the softer the voices & images became, until finally all messages stopped for her. She obviously, couldn’t hear the messages because she spent more time trying to disprove this looking for how she could. She did get messages to help her heal, but I doubt she heard them. She called a few days later asking me to tell her what she & her dad did together. I was driving & told her I would try to get back to her. I saw them doing puzzles & board games. I can’t confirm that because I haven’t called her back yet; I know I’ll hear, all kids did that with their dads. No, not me again.

Now your saying to yourself why not call her back? It’s because of what that session did, she had me questioning my gifts, wondering had I lost them. Later that evening I went & did a party . I had 10 people, the 1st one in; I was struggling with, she couldn’t figure out who the souls were, so I moved to her messages, she received several. I didn’t give up even though it was a struggle. When we finished, she told me she was told she has this gift, I told her I didn’t see that, but she may. After she left, the rest came in and the messages flowed. One man in his late 60’s early 70’s received a lot of messages. At the end he asked for a woman who had not come through. She showed me what she & him did together, but wouldn’t tell me their relationship. I heard, but didn’t tell him, she wasn’t a very nice person. He said to me & I quote, “Bob, you have been 100% right on, but I want to know what she said to me & if she has anything else to say?” I closed my eyes, looking at her, as she stare at me, not saying a word. I kept telling her, tell me what he wanted (needed) to hear. After about 3 min. she said, ” I’m sorry I said what I said. I know you loved me.” Upon hearing that he broke down crying. He told me he waited 5 years, spoke to many other mediums, no one could tell him that. It turns out, the day before she died, she told him he never loved her, only his sons. That devastated he, both now know that wasn’t true. FYI, the 1st woman in who I struggled with; was to 5 other mediums who all told her they couldn’t read, 2 said it’s because she has the gift …. I read other mediums who call me; that never interfered with messages for them. I just never give up, even atheist have received messages.

It came close to me giving up that night, if I was as strong as I am, I may have. Had I done that 10 people would not have received the messages they needed to hear, all because of the woman I was with before the party.

I some how I worked through that session with Joann (not her real name). I have to let go of the skeptics who really can’t hear the messages. Because others need to hear from their loved ones, I must let them go. Next post, the psychologist who also tried to prove me wrong.

Bob Buchanan

Author Bob Buchanan

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