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Recently I did a local talk show with Toni Quest. I don’t do any messages on the show we simply talked about what I do. However, as I was being miked by the producer James, he said to me don’t get anyone for me. I said no problem, even though I was getting something for him, I never just start telling people stuff out of the blue, it really in my opinion unethical & not everyone is into this. He laughed & said no it’s ok if anyone comes in let me know. My reply was good because your mother is here. I described the woman and he confirmed his mother had passed. I told him what I was getting, his sound guy laughed and said that is soooo right on, the camera woman said the same.

Now for you skeptics, I didn’t know James was going to be there or that there was a crew or who would be on it I have known Toni for many years & she invited me on. So there was no way I could googled him & I still haven’t. I’m pretty sure, no, I know, if I did, the stuff I got would not have come up in a search. No I don’t read people’s Facebook pages or anything else because they maybe all made up or just not true. If someone who calls themselves a medium/psychic has to do that, than they aren’t real & that will come out.

The show runs about 30 min. if you would like to watch it. This is a link to Toni’s Youtube where she posts the show after they run, mine ran for 3 weeks. Enjoy it.

Bob Buchanan

Author Bob Buchanan

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