One of the most difficult sessions I had was with Carol, she was in such a bad place she felt lost, no hope of finding herself. She lived a horrible life until she was finally unable to avoid jail. On her way to jail, she was in a panic and projected how bad it would be she was convinced she would die.
There’s that projection thing you have heard me go on about so often. AGAIN, projecting on life only prevented her from having any hope not capable of seeing her life had any hope accepting her life will always be this way.
Although jail was no joy ride, she did get the help she needed from many sources and during that time she realized that her issues in life were prolonged and made worse because she never took any responsibility for this life she had created. She realized the hundreds of reasons she came up with that kept her in this life only gave her the excuses she needed to continue on this downward slide until someone said to her, take responsibility for your actions it’s no one’s fault but yours.
She was taken back at first but it began to sink in. As that happened she began her journey to that better life she now lives.
Carol came to me several years after this event in life. It came through she lived a desperate life involving drugs and alcohol. She stole and turned to prostitution to get by. It came through this is something she is struggling to accept.
Her mom was one souls who came through for her, I told her to look at where she was, she never thought she would get through it. I explained to her the past were lessons, she need to go through that is helping to guide her through today, and to be able to help so many others.
She wonders if perhaps she will fall back because no one has changed as much as she has.
I told her thousands of people have changed.
I told her to look at the singer Jelly Roll. He went through something very similar and look where he is now, he changed as she did by taking responsibility for his actions, and he stopped as she did, blaming others & everything else in life for his life being the way it was.
I told her I believe like her, he battles this every day, I believe, I could be wrong, as I do not know him he could fall back at any time, he needs to find his confidence as she does and realize this is a battle worth fighting.
I told her if she looked at it as a challenge she would fight to beat the challenge and prove everyone who refused to believe in her wrong.
Never give up never ever give up as it is a battle she is overcoming and will always overcome. I pointed out she is now beating the enemy within will and that enemy will ultimately be defeated. She needs to keep he newfound confidence strong and believe in herself, she gets it and is doing just that now.
She and I speak often she is taking advantage of my Soulful life coaching, we are working on letting the ghost of the past die.