It is entirely up to us to make the most of our lives. I understand people have experienced life-changing events; I am not that naïve to think otherwise. I also know we must continue to move through life the best we can, that is what this video is about.
I also know we must continue to move through life the best we can, that is what this video is about.
At one point in my life when I was a cop, I hated every minute I was there. I was miserable, yes, I know what it’s like to be stuck in a job you hate. After two years of living that life, I made a plan to retire early when I realized I wasn’t going to wish my life away for more retirement money. I stayed two years to get my early retirement so I didn’t waste the last eight years. I did everything I could to get to my set goal of moving away from the miserable life I was living. Refusing to wish my life away was the driving force for me to leave, I decided I was going to find a way toward a better life. The determination to find a better life is what led me into my new life It was a risk but I made it work. Before you say I was lucky, I had something else to go to, luck had nothing to do with it, I made my way to make a better life for myself I refused to stay stuck.
After I made this change, I had people all around me who hated their jobs, they attempted to guilt me into not loving my new chosen life as a commercial photographer, and they almost succeeded. Then one day I was sitting in my studio thinking about this when I came to the realization, that I love what I do and no one will change that. Nope, I set out on my journey to find joy in my life wherever I could and do just that today.
Yes, it ok to enjoy your life, find a way to do so. Begin by not allowing others to affect you. Move on as soon as you can never give anyone power over you.
Don’t be a follower be your own person before you hate anything that is out of your control because people have convinced you, you should stop. Look objectively at the situation and ask yourself if it is worth causing anger, stress even hate within you. The answer is always no.
If you have lost a loved one, believe me, I understand, but you are here still and you have the power to let it destroy your life, find a way to honor them while you’re here as hard as it is find a way, to joy in some form whether it’s helping others or just know your loved one wouldn’t want you to live the best life you can.
You have free will, your life is entirely up to you no one else.