Please bear with me as I talk about my favorite subject … Me. I have said this before about regret but it’s worth repeating.
We should never live with regret, all this does is hold you back wishing you had a better life, being envious you were not given a leg up like others. Regret will eventually cause anger & resentment, once that sets in, your life is over. You will never live your best life.
Growing up I had it pretty good until I was twelve or thirteen my mom developed Multimale scoliosis. We didn’t know what it was and because my mom was afraid of doctors, (an old Italian thing) she refused to get checked out, dad took care of her as best he could. When I turned 14 dad told me it was time for me to go to work, and sent me off to caddy. It was the worst job I have ever had; I don’t regret it; it was the beginning of the work ethic that has carried me through to this day.
On December 23rd 1965 my life changed forever, dad unexpectedly passed away. He was an alcoholic most of his life. He went into the hospital to kick the addiction. He developed pneumonia which was not diagnosed.
On that day I was shaken awake at 8:00 AM knowing my dad had passed. This was just another one of the many “feelings” I had been getting my whole life. At 8:30 AM the doctor called us; I picked up the phone knowing what had happened. I asked the Dr several times what he wanted but he refused to tell me and wanted to talk to mom. I handed the phone to mom knowing what he was about to tell her.
This was part of my gift, but I had no idea what it was, I now know. The point of me telling you all this is my life change at the age of sixteen when dad passed. On that day, I got my drivers License in the mail, I needed it to be able to go out and make arrangements for dad’s funeral, it’s how things work.
Fast forward to today, Life is still hard, when things go wrong, I don’t sit back and regret I didn’t have a life where I got a leg up from family, no one was there for me, no I have to make my own way in life. I could sit back and regret not having that help to make things easier, I don’t, instead I’m thankful, it has made me strong, someone who never gives up, I am always optimistic & hopeful that I can change things and make my life a little better I just move forward I always do the best I can to create a better life.
Living with regret will you keep you stuck and depressed, you have to find a way to move towards a better life. Always be hopeful, never hopeless, always be optimistic, never pessimistic.
Have faith, things never remain the same, it’s up to you to change it, the direction is up to you. Things happen in life as they should holding onto something will not change a thing.